‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات WINDOWS. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات WINDOWS. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأربعاء، 29 يونيو 2016

To remove such virus follow the steps

shortcut virus remover

  1. Open administrative command prompt.
  2. Go to your pen-drive drive letter. Suppose your USB disk is G:. Type G: and press Enter
  3. Now type the below command to remove system file, hidden read-only attribute
    attrib -s -h -r /s /d *.*
  4. Delete Autorun.inf from USB – Disk.
  5. This makes all files visible and you are now able to delete them .
  6. del *.lnk
  7. Now to remove the shortcuts from pen-drive , Check the size of any One or Few Shortcuts, all be same.
  8. Delete suspicious files, on errror check task manager for process with same name or any suspicious process and end it.
  9. Open Explorer and right Click on Pen-drive , Click Open.
  10. Search with Advance Search for all files of same size in Pen-drive.
  11. Select All and Delete

By connecting flash drives to the affected computer, often it shows flash drive containing just some folder's shortcuts. Sometimes it shows nothing though drive's properties show it has files in it. Even we get some inaccessible folder or file. This type of problem may also seen in our local drives (HDD partitions). Even paid anti-virus is unable to resolve those folders, they just scan and detect The AUTORUN worm which one will execute all programs. Then our important files remain hidden. Hidden folders and Shortcuts by the Autorun Worm

Here we will see how can we solve this problem by using command line and batch file. Though the batch file is nothing but the executable file contains command lines. So solving the hidden and shortcut problem of USB or drives, we must have the administrator privilege as we will execute something.

Using Command line: To solve/fix the folder's hidden or system file, the easiest way is to run a command line. You can apply this command to USB and local drive as well, need to change the drive_letter. Go to Run, type cmd and hit enter. In command prompt just type:
attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d drive_letter:\*.* 
And hit enter.
 Be sure you've typed the drive letter (e.g. j:,h: or D:) instead of "drive_letter" in the command line. My USB drive letter is J: and my command should looks like: Command for unhide system-hidden files on a drive All files and folders will be normal and you should be able to delete the shortcuts, created by the virus.Command line details: Here atrib=attribute, "-"=remove attribute/permits, h=hidden s=system, r=read-only, a=archive, /s=sub directory, /d=directory, drive_letter=the letter of the drive shown in windows explorer (e.g. j:,h: or D:) and *.* is called the wild card for all files.If you don't like to be a "command Ninja" then see below. USB, MicroSD, MiniSD or other Mmory Cards issue:    
 1. Connect your USB or memory card to the PC or laptop.    
2. Copy these lines and paste it into a "new text file"  @echo offattrib -h -s -r -a /s /d drive_letter:\*.*
3. In the 3rd line give the drive letter name (Example: J or K or L etc.) instead of "drive_name"
4. Save the text file as any_name.bat
 5. Double click on the any_name.bat file and it will run in the command prompt and see the hidden files/folders come back.
6. Delete the shortcuts and unnecessary files and folders from USB drive. Local drive issue: 1. Copy these lines and paste it into a "new text file" @echo off attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d D:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d E:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d F:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d G:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d H:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d I:\*.*attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d J:\*.*@echo complete. 2. Save the text file as a bat file (example: any_name.bat) 3. Run this bat file by double-clicking on it. Thus you can solve this kind of problems with a *.bat file. You can save the *.bat file for solving this hidden problem. Important: These tutorials are applied for Windows 7/Vista/xp. You must have the administrative privilege to run the command or execute the .bat file. Put the " : " after the j, k, or D (drive letters). These commands are

not case sensitive.

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الجمعة، 15 يناير 2016

Nokia mobile internet toolkit 4.1  office
Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit is a good mobile design tool to use. This program can be used to build a version of website that can be viewed on any mobile phone and other mobile content such as multimedia messages. This toolkit contains a wide range of editing tools and help files, along with a series of emulators which allow seeing on a computer screen how the site will look on a mobile phone

Technical Preview
Quick Guide
Technical Preview
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release build of the next
version of
Windows. As a key element of our new approach to
software development and delivery, this preview is different from previous releases in four key ways:
Instead of a full build, this preview is a subset of what’s to come
We’re releasing bits at
earlier stages of the development process
With t
he pa
rticipation of more users around the world, we’re expecting the most robust set of feedback
we’ve ever had.
We’re delivering updates in an ongoing cycle of development
refinement, making development
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الأربعاء، 30 ديسمبر 2015

how to clone multiple computers at once using network simpal method

i done it in 15 min 60 pc clone at a time 

how to clone multiple computers at once using network

ghost network
My Scenario: Need to format and install XP Pro on 33 Dell Dimension PC’s, same model and components. Need to fix the “same computer name” problem because the computers will be joining the network.
Non-Explained solution:
Install XP on one computer, download all updates, drivers, install software needed in all computers, set up Sysprep, shut down, boot up Ghost and create image, Run GhostCast server, load up image, Boot Hirens Cd (or ghost network floppy) on the computers and Multicast the Image to All of the computers. Simple Huh?
Tutorial after the break.

What you need:
  • A network =) and a computer in the network with enough space to host the ghost image (6GB or 3 with max compression)
  • Norton GhostCast [download] – Comes with Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition 2003
  • Windows Deployment Tools (SYSP   REP) – Located In your Windows XP Cd under SUPPORT>Tools>DEPLOY.CAB or, [download here]
  • Hiren’s BootCD [download] (and an empty CD to burn it to) or Network Boot Disk.
Ghost cast server

ghost client

Here are the steps:
  1. Install your OS, Drivers, Apps on a computer.
  2. Extract the contents of Deploy.CAB or SYSPREP.ZIP on a folder on your image computer.
  3. Run the Setup Mana ger(setupmgr.exe) and Create a new answer file.
  4. Select Sysprep Setup and your desired OS
  5. Fully automated.. – Change the desired settings and make sure to add a computer name
  6. Finish and Create your sysprep.inf file.
  7. If you want to fix the Computer name set up error, open the sysprep inf file you just created with a text editor (ie. notepad) and look for the line that contains ComputerName=[yourvalue], edit it and add a asterisk to the end of it. Save It(What this is doing is automating the whole set up but then the asterisk is going to cause an error, allowing us to input the desired computer name, and after that it is fully automated again!).
  8. Open Sysprep.exe and press Ok
  9. Check the “Use the Mini-Set Up” Option, Insert your Hirens Boot CD into your CD drive, and press the Reseal Option (caution: It shuts down your computer).
  10. Set up your BIOS to boot from your CD drive and start your computer from the cd.
  11. Select Disc Clone tools & Then Norton Ghost > Ghost with network support.

  12. You dont need to add a cd, and you dont need to log on to your domain either.. actually I recommend not doing it, because of the “multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed” error.
  13. Start GhostCast Server on the computer you will be having the computer image stored.
  14. Set your session name, set the create image option, browse where your image is going to be stored and press Accept Clients.
  15. Back on the other computer;press Ok, select Ghostcast>Multicast
    (If you dont see this, is because the BootCD couln’t detect your network card.. try restarting or good luck on making your network floppy !! )
  16. Join the session you created in Step 14.
  17. Select the drive to create the Image, Press Ok
  18. Select Compression and Proceed with Image Creation.
  19. Once your image file is stored on your computer, start the computers you want this image to be replicated into and boot to Hiren’s BootCD (Repeat steps 10-12 on all the computers).
  20. Repeat step 14, but this time select Restore Image and browse the image file you created in step 17.
  21. Join the Session in all of your computers and then; on your computer running ghostcast server, Press the [Send] Button.
  22. Once the image restore is complete you can go ahead and restart the computers and this will set up the computers automatically and ask you for the computer name(Ignore step 7 if you don’t want the set up to do that)

الاثنين، 17 أغسطس 2015

How to Disable Write Protection

Remove Write Protection from SD Card [Solved]

How to Remove Write Protection from SD Card ? See there are 
3 steps which are very simple and easy to do and even a 5th grade kid can do it so don’t panic and it isn’t a rocket science to fix write protection SD Card issue. How to Remove write protection from USB Pen drive ? Removing write protection from pen drive and removing write protection from micro sd card is one an the same so you can use the same method to remove write protection from both. Solution 1: Check if your Pen Drive have a lock Sometimes it may happen that by default the pen drive have a lock so before formatting it please make sure that your pen drive don’t have any kind of security pin or lock and if it is there then make sure to remove it or use it while formatting your micro sd card or pen drive. Solution
 2: Scan your SD Card / Pen Drive via Anti Virus Make sure your Micro SD card and your pen drive isn’t have any anti virus and if they do make sure to remove it using any anti virus and if you don’t have any anti virus in your computer then download a free anti virus such as AVG Anti virus and scan your SD card or Pen drive before using it and before formatting it in order to avoid getting write protection error. Solution 

3: Fix it with System Registry The 3rd best way to solve this contagious issue is by fixing it via system registry and in order to do that you need to get inside the system registry. Just follow the below steps. Click on Start Run > type Regedit > click on Registry Editor Now follow up this fath in Registry Editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentConrolSet/Control/StorageDevicePoi Now you’ll able to see write protection option just click on that. And change the value data to “o”. voila you’re done! Update (31st January, 2015) Solution 

4: Open Diskpart to remove write protection from Memory Card/USB Drive As many people told me that the above solution 3 isn’t working I’ve come up with one more method in order to remove write protection error from Memory Card or USB Drive. Follow the steps as I’ve have mentioned below. remove write protection error Click on Start > search for CMD > Right click and Run as Administrator. Now type “diskpart” in CMD without quotes and press the enter button. Now after doing this type “list disk” (without quotes) and once again press enter button. Now tyle “Select disk 1″ in order to select your SD Card or USB drive and press enter button. Now in order to remove write protection error type “attributes disk clear readonly” without quotes and press the enter button. Now type exit to complete the process and you’re done! Now just try to format your Micro SD Card or USB drive you won’t be seeing any write protection popup error. This should fix and remove write protection from micro sd card now and you’ll be able to format your sd card or pendrive.


 1 : Memory Card or USB Drive Disable

  1. Look for a switch on the side. Most memory cards and some USB drives have a tiny switch or tab that can be toggled in two positions. If you find one, move it to the position labeled "Unlock." If it isn't labeled, this is the position closest to the front of the card. Be careful not to jostle the switch when you put your device back into the computer. If your device does not have a switch, move on to the next step.
    • If you are using a card adapter, there may be a second switch on the adapter itself.
    • Some built-in MacBook Pro card reader slots will sometimes shove the switch as you insert it. Try moving the memory card switch halfway between the two positions, and inserting gently. Try this only if both other positions don't work.

    Fix it with System Registry

    The 3rd best way to solve this contagious issue is by fixing it via system registry and in order to do that you need to get inside the system registry. Just follow the below steps.
    • Click on Start
    • Run > type Regedit > click on Registry Editor
    • Now follow up this fath in Registry EditorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentConrolSet/Control/StorageDevicePoi
    • Now you’ll able to see write protection option just click on that.
    • And change the value data to “o”.
    • voila you’re done!

    Change the sharing permissions. Some devices, but not all, will let you change the sharing permissions even if write protection is enabled. If you are using a Windows computer, right click the device icon and select ShareAdvanced SettingsPermissions. Check the "full control" box, and select ok  .
    • If the error message you get tells you the file is write-protected, not the drive or memory card, skip to the section on disabling write protection for files instead.

    Try a different adapter for memory cards. If you are using the wrong type of adapter, such as an SDHC adapter for an SD card or microSD card, you can sometimes read files but not modify them. Check your adapter's specifications and the exact text on your memory card, and try to find an adapter made specifically for that type of card.
    • If you are using a computer's built-in card reading slot, it might be worth trying a plug-in card reader, especially if the built-in slot feels loose or hard to fit.

    Use a more advanced method. If the methods above don't work, or if finding a new adapter is not feasible, try one of the more advanced methods below.
    • Continue to Using Diskpart, then Adjusting the Registry if you are using Windows.
    • Continue to Repairing Disk Permissions if you are using Mac.
    • Continue to Formatting on any operating system, but only if you do not need to access data stored on the device.

    1. Enter "cmd" in the Start menu. To access the command line in Windows, open the Start menu and type cmd in the search field. Press Enter, and a command window should pop up.
      • The command line does not use your cursor. Just type, and use "delete" or the arrow keys on your keyboard to move back to correct a mistake.
    2. 2
      Enter "diskpart" in the new window. In the command line window, type diskpart and press Enter. This will give you access to the diskpart utility inside this same command line window.
    3. 3
      Enter "list disk." Type list disk and hit Enter. This will list all disks accessible on your computer, include the USB Drive or memory card. If you don't know which drive listed is the write-protected device, find the icon of the device in your My Computer folder and note its name before you continue.
      • You can also identify the device by ejecting it, typing "list disk" again, and seeing which disk disappeared.
      • If your device does not appear, try "list volume" instead. In this case, you'll need to replace the commands below with "volume" wherever they use "disk."
    4. 4
      Select the disk. Once you're sure which disk is yours, type select disk X, replacing X with the number of the disk. (For example, type select disk 2 if disk 2 is the write-protected device.)
    5. 5
      Type "attributes disk clear readonly" and press enter. The command attributes disk clear readonly should remove any write protection on the disk if it exists.
      • Type the command exactly as shown. "readonly" is one word.
      • If this still doesn't work, try adjusting the registry using the instructions below.
    6. 6
      Exit disk utility. Type exit and press Enter to quit disk utility.

      How to Remove Write Protection from SD Card ?

      See there are 3 steps which are very simple and easy to do and even a 5th grade kid can do it so don’t panic and it isn’t a rocket science to fix write protection SD Card issue.

      How to Remove write protection from USB Pen drive ?

      Removing write protection from pen drive and removing write protection from micro sd card is one an the same so you can use the same method to remove write protection from both.

      Solution 1: Check if your Pen Drive have a lock

      Sometimes it may happen that by default the pen drive have a lock so before formatting it please make sure that your pen drive don’t have any kind of security pin or lock and if it is there then make sure to remove it or use it while formatting your micro sd card or pen drive.

      Solution 2: Scan your SD Card / Pen Drive via Anti Virus

      Make sure your Micro SD card and your pen drive isn’t have any anti virus and if they do make sure to remove it using any anti virus and if you don’t have any anti virus in your computer then download a free anti virus such as AVG Anti virus and scan your SD card or Pen drive before using it and before formatting it in order to avoid getting write protection error.

      Solution 3: Fix it with System Registry

      The 3rd best way to solve this contagious issue is by fixing it via system registry and in order to do that you need to get inside the system registry. Just follow the below steps.
      • Click on Start
      • Run > type Regedit > click on Registry Editor
      • Now follow up this fath in Registry EditorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentConrolSet/Control/StorageDevicePoi
      • Now you’ll able to see write protection option just click on that.
      • And change the value data to “o”.
      • voila you’re done!

      Update (31st January, 2015) Solution 4: Open Diskpart to remove write protection from Memory Card/USB Drive

      As many people told me that the above solution 3 isn’t working I’ve come up with one more method in order to remove write protection error from Memory Card or USB Drive. Follow the steps as I’ve have mentioned below.

      • Click on Start > search for CMD > Right click and Run as Administrator.
      • Now type “diskpart” in CMD without quotes and press the enter button.
      • Now after doing this type “list disk” (without quotes) and once again press enter button.
      • Now tyle “Select disk 1″ in order to select your SD Card or USB drive and press enter button.
      • Now in order to remove write protection error type “attributes disk clear readonly” without quotes and press the enter button.
      • Now type exit to complete the process and you’re done!
      • Now just try to format your Micro SD Card or USB drive you won’t be seeing any write protection popup error.
      This should fix and remove write protection from micro sd card now and you’ll be able to format your sd card or pendrive.
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    how to remove write protection from pen drive,
    how to remove write protection from pen drive in windows 7,

    how to remove write protection from pen drive in windows 8,
    how to remove write protection from pen drive in windows xp,
    how to remove disk write protection on pen drive,
    how to remove write protection from pen drive sandisk,
    how to remove write protection from pen drive using cmd,
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    how to remove write protection from phone,
    how to remove write protection from pen drive in xp,
    how to remove write protection sd card,
    how to remove write protection from sandisk pen drive,
    how to remove write protection from sandisk pen drive in windows 7,
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    how to remove write protection using cmd,
    how to remove write protection using cmd in windows,
    how to remove write protection using cmd in windows 7,
    how to remove write protection using cmd in windows(cavenetworks.com),
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    how to remove write protection from usb drive,
    how to remove write protection on usb flash drive windows 8,
    how to remove write protection on usb using cmd,
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الخميس، 13 أغسطس 2015

Windows 10   Ten best hidden features, tips, and tricks

Windows 10  most usefull   best hidden features, tips, and tricks

Now that Windows 10 is out and millions of people are already running it, let’s take a look at some of the best hidden features, tips, and tricks in the operating system. If yo ,mlju’re still on the fence, take note: You really do want Windows 10, despite a lot of the gripes we’ve shared over the past several months. It’s worth getting on the list for (or downloading the Windows 10 ISO directly). It combines the best of Windows 8 — super-fast startup, improved security — with much of what made Windows 7 familiar and easy to use, and without trying to force you to buy a touch screen or learn a whole set of hidden UI gestures.
And if you’re a computer nut like me, tweaking the OS is always the fun part. Discovering and implementing power user tips ar,m,e my favorite part of getting a major n ew version of an OS. I still remember back when DOS 5.0 came out, and I was running DOS 3.3, and I got to try all these new things to optimize my 286. (We’ve come a long way.) Nostalgia aside, here’s what you need to know to amp up your Windows 10 install and take it to the next level.
Windows 10 Virtual Machine

Task view and virtual desktops

One of the best things about Windows 10 is how it handles virtual desktops. The fact that it finally handles them at all, out of the box, is a great step, since Mac OS X and Linux users have had that capability for a long time. It lets you set up a series of tasks and windows on your desktop, your email and Twitter window on another, and a third for general Web browsing and research. To get started, click the Task View icon on the taskbar (immediately to the right of the Search box), or hold down the Windows key (abbreviated throughout as Win) and Tab. (Click to read more on Task View and Virtual Desktops.)

Configure privacy settings

When you’re first setting up Windows 10, make sure to select a Custom install so you can modify the privacy settings, instead of going with the Express install. n  (If you already installed it, no worries; you can fix it all in Settings). Otherwise you’ll find yourself agreeing to all sorts of private data sharing — and while Windows 10 is free for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users, it’s not a free product in and of itself — so there’s no reason to share your personal information when it’s not required.

Print to PDF

You can finally print a document (or rather, save it) as PDF without using a third-party utility. This makes it much easier to save and distribute documents that aren’t easily modified. Another long overdue feature makes it in under the radar.

Make sure WiFi Sense is off

You may feel differently about this, but I certainly don’t like the idea of allowing access to my WiFi network unless I specifically give out the password. Here’s how to make sure your computer isn’t doing that — and if it is, how to turn it off.

Run it in a virtual machine

If you’re thinking of taking the Windows 10 plunge, but don’t want to disturb your machine that’s currently running just fine, here’s how to install Windows 10 in a virtual machine first.  that this is different than the virtual desktops I mentioned above; it’s virtualizing the entire OS within another OS (your existing one).
Explorer Home Tab Quick Access Windows 10 hirpara

Windows Explorer Home tab and Quick Access

Windows Explorer windows are a lot more useful this time around, thanks to a new Home tab (pictured above). It makes file copies a cinch. If you look at the top left of the window, you’ll see a new Quick Access group that lets you navigate to recently accessed folders. That makes it much easier to maintain a fast workflow as you navigate around your computer’s file system.

Customize the Start Menu

The new Start Menu is such a huge improvement over what came with Windows 8.1 that it’s almost impossible to describe the relief. It combines the best elements of Windows 7 and Windows 8. And it’s also fully customizable. I admit the first thing I did is unpin all of Microsoft’s tiles and then shrink the size of the menu so it looks a lot like Windows 7 (pictured).
For a while, during some of the Windows 10 Technical Preview builds, you could pin the Recycle Bin to the taskbar, which makes it a bit more like OS X. Unfortunately, that functionality seems to be gone in the release version, though you can still pin it to the Start Menu as a tile.

Command prompt tweaks

A lot of Windows 10 utilities underneath the service still look the same as they did in Windows 7 and Windows 8. But one of the hidden tweaks is in the Command Prompt — head over to Properties and you’ll suddenly find you can enable a host of customizations, including a transparent background, resizing the window, and word wrap.

Battery saver

If you’re on a laptop and your battery is running low, Windows 10 is smart enough to begin throttling back background services and other threads so that you can squeeze the last bit of battery life out of your machine. To enable Battery Saver, click the Start menu, and head to Settings | System | Battery Saver.

Background scrolling

Ever notice how when you hover your mouse cursor over a window and try and scroll, you still can’t, because the window wasn’t active? Turn this feature on in Settings | Devices | Mouse and Touchpad and you’ll be able to do just that.

Keyboard shortcuts

Here are some keyboard shortcuts you may want to be aware of — ones that will really help your daily workflow:
  • Windows Key-Tab (Task View)
  • Windows Key-Right-Up (Moves app to top right quadrant)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-Left or Right (virtual desktop)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-D (new virtual desktop)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-C (Cortana listening)
  • Windows Key-S (Daily Glance for weather, news, sports)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-F4 (closes virtual desktop)
  • Windows Key-Up and Down (snap apps to top or bottom of screen or maximizes)OneDrive hirpara

OneDrive integration

Free cloud storage is a godsend these days, am,nm,nd Microsoft makes it super easy in Windows 10 with OneDrive. You can use it to store files for mobile device access from iOS or Android, and you can even set it to let you access any file on your PC remotely — not just the ones you drag over to your OneDrive folder.

Xbox Streaming

Windows 10 finally shows some real Xbox integration, and you can use it to log into your Xbox Live account. But more importantly, you can use it to stream Xbox One games locally on your PC. You’ll have to enable it first on the Xbox One under Settings | Preferences | Allow game streaming, and then on the PC in the Xbox application. (Interestingly, Microsoft is also going the other way and adding keyboard and mouse support to the Xbox One — not that you’ll need that, since you’ve already got a PC.)
Control Panel Windows 10  hirpara

Find the original Control Panel (and other goodies)

The new Settings panel is easy to navigate and makes more sense than the crufty old Control Panel, but you’ll still need the latter to access some deeper options in the system. It’s easy to call up, even though it’s hidden; just right click on the Start buttomjhjkn on the botto m left of the screen and choose it from the pop-up menu, or type Control Panel in the Search bar at the bottom left in the taskbar. When you right-click the Start button, you’ll see all kinds of useful things there, such as Computer Management and Disk Management; for what it’s worth, those options bring you right back to the familiar Windows 7-style apps in each case.
Update 8/4/15: Added four more tips on increasing laptop battery life, enabling bac jkkground scrolling, printing to PDF, and customizing the command prompt.

الثلاثاء، 11 أغسطس 2015

How TO Enable Remote Desktop – Windows 10

Remote Desktop in windows 10 is not enabled by default. You must specifically enable it to allow remote access. This process applies for Windows 10 Pro.
1. Right click This PC -> Properties.
2.  Select Remote settings on the left pane.
3. In the Remote tab, under Remote Desktop, check mark “Allow remote connections to this computer” by default the system admin is enabled for remote desktop.
4. If you need to add a remote user other than the admin, you would need to create a new user, make sure the user has a password. Click on Select Users… button, Add, enter the name of the user, click on Check Names to make sure you have properly selected the User, then OK and Apply.

الاثنين، 3 أغسطس 2015

Use This Unlocking Instructions and Troubleshooting Guides For All Samsung Models

Unlock Samsung imei
This is an instruction on how to unlock any Samsung phone model with unlocking code. Also you will see how to defreeze the phone if it was hard locked and other alternatives ways to unlock Samsung phone.
You can use this tutorial for all Samsung models including Galaxy S4 and Note 2. But the most important thing is to read notes and advices provided by our team.
Also if you will have some troubles or errors during unlocking process you can read our Troubleshooting guide for each error and for any model of the phone.
First let’s start with Important Notes and it is very important to read them.
Important Notes
  • Before entering a code and do any further actions first make sure that Wi-Fi and AirPlane mode is off (only if your Samsung device is running Android OS).
  • Make sure that you provided correct IMEI number when ordered unlock code.
  • If after entering a code provided by our company you will receive such message as “SIM Network Unlock Unsuccessful” or “Code Error”, DON’T WORRY, it is normal and fixable. You can proceed to our Troubleshooting tutorial guide and fix such errors.
  • Unlock by code is tested for years and 100% working. But in case codes will fail to unlock phone you will need to film the whole unlocking process, including troubleshooting steps to receive a refund if the code we sent would be incorrect.
  • If you will receive several codes you need only the first code – Network unlock code (NCK). If you will receive only one code, it’s normal, just use it to unlock your Samsung phone. More info and examples of received codes see in our FAQ page.
There are different ways to enter a code to unlock the device for other networks (SIM card). You will see different methods of inputting code and you can try all of them. Various Samsung phone models have several ways of inputting unlock code and we described all of them.
How to Enter Network Code to Unlock Samsung Phone
Attention: Make sure you are entering correct/exact code we provided. If you enter an incorrect code several times your phone will hard locked (freeze phone).
Instructions for the Most New Samsung Models Including Recent Android Phones
Method 1.
Insert a non-supported SIM card (any SIM card except the one from original carrier) in your phone and turn it On. After booting the phone will ask to enter a code. Just use the code we sent you.
Method 2.
Insert a non-supported SIM card to complete unlock. Just dial the following:
*UNLOCKCODE – is a code we sent you.
Method 3.
Insert a non-supported SIM card, go to the dial screen as if you are going to make a call and enter the following:
You can also try this method without SIM card or with supported (authorized) SIM card.
Method 4.
Go to the dial screen and enter the following combination:
  • #7465625*638*#
After entering the phone will ask for code so enter 8 digits code you received (Network unlock code).
Instructions for Such Samsung Models As
A107, A137, A167, A177, A227, A237, A437, A517, A707, A767 Propel, A837 Rugby, A798 Mythic, A867 Eternity, A887 Solstice, C417, E250, E370, E590, F400, F480, F490, G600, i907 Epix, J700, L760, S366, T309, T319, ST349, T409, T429, T439, T459 Gravity, T469, T509, T609, T639, T659, T669, T919 Behold, T929, U900, X497, Z105, Z107, Z560.
Method 1.
1.    Take out SIM card and power on your phone.
2.    Type #7465625*638*UNLOCKCODE#
3.    You will see: “Network Lock Deactivated” message.
4.    Done! The phone may reboot.
Method 2.
Do the same steps as in method 1 but with authorized (supported) SIM card inserted.
Note 1: If the Method 1 doesn’t work use another way to unlock Samsung phone any model. If the phone shows the Phone Freeze message you will need to defreeze phone first.
Note 2: In case you insert a non-supported SIM card and see “no Valid SIM card”, remove the non-supported SIM and try with supported SIM or without SIM card at all.
Note 3: Phone “deactivated” means unlocked.
Note 4: Don’t worry if you don’t get the signal. Turn On Wi-Fi connection after Samsung phone and wait for the signal unlocking. Also you can just power off the phone, take out the battery, wait 5-10 seconds, put the battery back inside and turn the phone on to get the signal.
How to Defreeze Samsung Phone if It Is Hard Locked
After inserting incorrect code several times your Phone will freeze. In other words, the Samsung phone will become hard locked. In this case you will need not only network unlock code but also a defreeze code.
If you received only one code from us, you have only the network code.  If you are receiving the “phone freeze” message, you will require a Defreeze code from one of the manufacturer methods.  You can contact us for this.
Here below you can see easy steps on how to enter a defreeze code to unlock hard locked Samsung phone. There are two methods.
Method 1.
1. Insert a non-supported SIM card in your phone.
2. Go to the dial screen.
3. Input defreeze (freeze) code and press enter, or OK.
4. After entering defreeze code Samsung phone will ask you to enter network unlock code. So just enter it and click Ok.
Method 2.
1. Insert a non-supported SIM card and power on the phone. After which the screen will display:
  • Phone is freeze / SOS
2. Enter defreeze (freeze) code and click Ok.
3. Click Ok (Enter).
4. Samsung Phone will ask for the Network unlock code.
5. Just input unlocking NCK code and your Samsung device will be unfreeze and unlocked permanently.
If you have any questions regarding Samsung phone unlocking by code visit our FAQ page or proceed to the Troubleshooting guide.
Troubleshooting Guide to Unlock Samsung Phone
After you made all steps, read all notes and followed all advices and your Samsung phone still locked and hadn’t yet accepted the code only this Troubleshooting tutorial guide will help you.
Attention: Correct unlock code is 100% working. So before we start make sure that you provided correct IMEI. The incorrect IMEI is the most common reason when unlock code doesn’t work. You can check if IMEI is correct typing *#06#.
Unlock Troubleshooting for Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, Note and Note 2
Method 1.
Step 1. Type the following code on the dial pad:
  • *#197328640#
Step 2. Now just click on number [1] UMTS -> [1] Debugging screen -> [8] Phone Control -> [6] NETWORK LOCK.
Step 3. You should see three options.
Step 4. Click on number [1] Perso Sha256 INFO and you will see that the screen has slightly changed.
Step 5. Now just click the MENU button and when the menu pops up click BACK which will return you to the previous screen.
Step 6. In this step click on [2] Perso Sha256 ON and you will see that the screen changed again to a one line message.
Step 7. Now you need to Restart the phone. Hold the power button and click RESTART.
Step 8. After rebooting your handset should ask for the unlocking code. Enter network code and your device will be permanently unlocked.
Unlock Troubleshooting for Samsung Galaxy S4
Step 1. Type the following code on the dial pad:
  • *#0011#
Step 2. Now click the MENU button. When the new menu appears, click BACK.
Step 3. Click the MENU button once again and then click Key Input button.
Step 4. Enter 1 when the Key Input box appears and then click OK.
Step 5. Now just wait until number 1 changes to Service Menu.
Step 6. Then hit [1] UMTS > [1] DEBUGGING SCREEN > [6] Phone Control > [6] Network LOCK
Step 7. And you will see 3 options within Network Lock.
Step 8. Click on number [1] Perso Sha256 INFO, after which the screen should change slightly.
Step 9. Please hit the MENU button then when the menu pops up carefully click BACK to return to the previous screen.
Step 10. Next click key [2] Perso Sha256 ON, and you will see that the screen changed to a one line message.
Step 11. Now just hold the power button and click Restart to reboot iPhone.
Step 12. After rebooting the phone should ask for the unlock code. Enter a code we provided and your Samsung phone will be successfully unlocked for using with other networks.
If the above steps don’t help you can try the second method.
Method 2.
Step 1. Insert a non-supported SIM card, turn Off and On your Samsung phone after which you will see “SIM network unlock PIN” or “Enter Network Lock Control Key” screen.
Step 2. Next enter in the field the unfreeze code (MCK code) and click the Unlock button. Don’t worry when you will see the message that code is incorrect or some other error.
Step 3. Then enter the unlock code (Network or NCK code) and click the Unlock button.
Step 4. After code accepted you will see “Network Lock Successful” message.
Note: if you don’t see such message, proceed to step 5.
Step 5. If you get “Unsuccessful” message once again click the Dismiss button and type *2767*3855#.
CAUTION! This will restore (erase) all your data and settings.
Step 6. Your handset will reboot. After rebooting the phone will ask for “SIM network unlock PIN” or “Enter Network Lock Control Key” so input Unfreeze code (MCK code). Don’t worry if it will say “unsuccessful” again.
Step 7. Now just enter the Unlock code (network NCK code) and click the Unlock button.
Step 8. If you will see the “Network Lock Successful” message your iPhone will be fully unlocked.
If this method is not working as well, try the third method.
Method 3.
Step 1. To start, turn off the Wi-Fi on the phone.
Step 2. Turn On your device without SIM card.
Step 3. After phone is On just type the following combination:
  • *7465625*638*#
After entering this code you will be redirected to the NETWORK LOCK screen.
Now be careful and attentive:
Step 4. In MCC/MNC field enter code of the network to which your Samsung phone is locked (e.g. 23402 for O2 UK).
Note: If you don’t know the code of your provider you can it here:
Some providers have more than just one MCC / MNC. In this case try all of them if needed.
Step 5. In CONTROL KEY field enter the Unlock network code provided by us.
Step 6. Click OK and you should receive Lock Successful message.
Step 7. Turn off your Samsung handset, insert a non-supported SIM card (the SIM you want to use) and turn On your device.
Now your Samsung phone is permanently unlocked and you can enjoy other SIM cards you like.
Fix “PHONE FREEZE: SIM Unavailable” Error During Samsung Phone Unlocking
When you put non-supported SIM card in your freeze phone you will see this message:
“Phone Freeze, SIM unavailable. Please contact service provider”
In this case do the following:
  1. Enter Defreeze code MCK code we sent (more info in FAQ and above) and press OK or Confirm or button in the center. Don’t worry if you don’t see the digits of defreeze code.
  2. Enter network unlock code NCK we sent if phone will prompt for that and click OK.
  3. If nothing just type: #7465625*638*UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE you received from us) and your phone is unlocked.
Note: In case nothing happens use defreeze code except NCK unlock network code: #7465625*638*DEFREEZECODE# you have entered in Step 1.
How to Fix “Return for service problem” or “Phone Freeze” Errors
If you got such errors don’t worry because here is an easy fix:
  1. Power ON your Samsung phone with a non-supported SIM card.
  2. Input Defreeze Code (which you won’t see on the screen) and hit OK.
Note: Freeze code means the same as Defreeze Code.
Also if the first two steps don’t work use alternative method to unlock hard locked Samsung phone.
  1. Insert a non-supported SIM card and power On your handset.
  2. When the screen will display “Phone is freeze / SOS” message, add Defreeze Code and click Enter key.
  3. Your device should ask for Network Lock Code.
  4. Type your NCK unlock code to use your unlocked Samsung handset with other networks for life.

Alternative Samsung Unlock Instructions
This is the last part of this troubleshooting guide and you can follow steps below choosing the guide that fits to your model of Samsung phone.
Samsung Model SGH-A877
  1. Insert supported SIM card (SIM card of the carrier to which your phone is locked) and turn ON the phone.
  2. Now the phone is Portrait mode so hit the Dial button on the screen.
  3. Enter the following: #7465625*638* UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you).
  4. When the phone will say “Network Lock Deactivated” it may reboot and your device is unlocked.
Samsung Model SGH-A127, SGH-E840, SGH-F210, SGH-J600, SGH-T749
  1. Turn off the phone, take out SIM card and turn on the phone without SIM card.
  2. After booting type the following: #0111*UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you).
  3. The phone should show “Network Lock Deactivated” message.
  4. Device may restart and the unlock is completed.
Samsung Model SGH-P207
  1. Backup your data (photos, docs, tracks, etc.) and type *2767*3855# to reset your device to the factory settings after which your device will reboot.
  2. Insert a non-supported SIM card and power on the phone. You will see the Wrong SIM message and it’s normal.
  3. Input: *#9998*3323# and you will see Exit white screen.
  4. Tap the right soft key. Sometimes it will not go to the next screen, if so press the down key.
  5. In the appeared menu scroll down to the malloc Fail option. Use this option and your phone will reboot to the normal home screen.
  6. Type *0141# and press the green Call button.
  7. You will see the name of the current available carrier.
  8. Power Off and On your Samsung handset.
  9. Tap left soft key to enter the Menu.
  10. Select Settings (right corner on the bottom).
  11. Now just select 7 (Security), then 6 (Sim lock) and then 1 (Disable).
  12. Type eight zeros (00000000) and you will disable SIM lock with a check mark.
  13. At this moment your phone, Samsung SGH-P207, is unlocked and you can enjoy other SIM cards.
Samsung Model SGH-T609
Power on your phone without SIM card and enter: #0111*UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you). When the phone will say “Network Lock Deactivated” phone may reboot and your device is unlocked.
Samsung Model A737, A777, Blackjack SGH-i607, SGH-i616, SGH-i617, SGH-i627, SGH-i637, SGH-A877
  1. Insert SIM card of the carrier to which your handset is locked and turn on the phone.
  2. Dial #7465625*638*UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you).
  3. You will see such message: “Network Lock Deactivated” which means that Samsung phone is unlocked.
  4. Phone may automatically reboot.
Note: In case you can’t connect to your network and make calls/receive messages the problem is not in unlocking. The problem is in the Blackjack which you need to force to change GSM mode. Here below you can see the steps on how to perform it:
  1. Dial the following *#1546792*#
  2. Now choose option 3 – “Network & Call Settings”.
  3. Select option 5 – “Network Mode”
  4. Next select GSM and this will resolve the problem.
Samsung Model AT&T / Cingular BlackJack
  1. If you are the user of such model insert a non-supported SIM card and power on your phone.
  2. Wait near 30 seconds until you see SIM Lock application. If it will take more than 30 seconds don’t worry because the reason can be in the previous attempts to unlock phone using incorrect code.
  3. In the blank field enter unlock code (NCK).
  4. Click OK. If unlock code will be correct you will see a success dialog. If the code will be wrong an error dialog will appear. In this case press OK and re-enter the correct unlock code.
  5. Click OK again and your Samsung phone will be unlocked and continue booting.
If steps above don’t help try another method to unlock Samsung AT&T / Cingular BlackJack:
  1. Insert non-supported SIM card and when your phone will ask for the code enter the one we sent.
Note: In case you can’t connect to your network and make calls/receive messages the problem is not in unlocking. The problem is in the Blackjack which you need to force to change GSM mode. Here below you can see the steps on how to perform it:
  1. Turn on your phone and type: *#1546792*#
  2. Now choose option 3 – “Network & Call Settings”.
  3. Select option 5 – “Network Mode”
  4. Now select GSM and this will resolve the problem.
Also you can try the following;
  1. Turn on the phone without SIM card.
  2. At the top of the screen you will see “SIM Failure” message and it is normal, just click Done.
  3. Now press the green button and when you will see the dial pad.
  4. Type the following: #7465625*638* and you will see “Enter Network Control Key” message.
  5. Input the unlock code we provided and click OK.
  6. That’s it. Now your Samsung AT&T phone is unlocked.
Samsung Model Fido i616 Jack
  1. Put in your phone Fido SIM card and turn on your device.
  2. On the dial pad type: #7465625*638*
  3. Enter unlock code we sent when Network Lock Screen appears and your Samsung Fido phone will be unlocked.
Samsung Models i450 & i560
1.    Power ON your phone without any Sim Card and type the following:
#PW+UNLOCKCODE+1# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you).
  • Quickly press Star button (*) three times and letter P will appear.
  • Quickly press Star button (*) four times and letter W will appear.
  • Quickly press Star button (*) two times and symbol + will appear.
2. Your Samsung phone is unlocked.
Samsung Model i780
  1. Insert a non-supported SIM card and power on your handset.
  2. Enter PIN code of the SIM card.
  3. “Exclamation mark” will appear at the top of the screen. Click on that icon.
  4. You will see Settings link so click on it.
  5. After clicking on Settings link you will see virtual keyboard on the screen asking to enter a PIN.
  6. Enter the unlock code we sent you to unlock Samsung phone.
Samsung Model i900 / Omnia
  1. Turn on Wireless mode and insert a non-supported SIM card.
  2. Next enter the PIN of non-supported SIM card.
  3. Enter unlock code we sent after the phone will ask for it.
Samsung Model J600
You need to enter this code: #0149*MCK# or #0111*NCK#
  1. Click # button one time quickly.
  2. Type the 4 digit code which corresponds to your lock type (in most cases the MCK code will work with code: 1)
  3. Quickly press Star button (*) one time.
  4. Enter Unlock Code which corresponds to your lock type.
  5. Quickly press Star button (*) one time and your Samsung J600 will be unlocked.
Note: If phone is still locked, check locks and enter 2nd code because you have a 2nd lock activated.
Samsung Models Zxxx Series, Dxxx Series, Pxxx Series, F490 (ex: Z170, D600, P360, etc.)
Insert a non-supported SIM card and power on the device. Enter the following code and your phone will be unlocked:
  • #7465625*638*UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you).
Samsung Modela Z320i, Z510, Z650i
This one is simple. Just put non-supported SIM card in the phone and turn on your device. Enter the following:
  • **UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE is the code we sent you).
If nothing, just add #0111:
  • #0111*UNLOCKCODE# (UNLOCKCODE you received from us).
Most Non Android Samsung models
Power on your phone with non-supported SIM inserted. When your handset will ask for password just enter network unlock code provided by us.
If your phone will not ask for password then type:
That’s it. You can use these instructions only if you provided correct IMEI and enter correct
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