الجمعة، 21 أكتوبر 2016

Have you ever notice that children laugh so often?
They love to laugh for no reason.
“It’s so awesome to see their happy sweet faces”

Children can cry this moment and they can also laugh in next moment. They totally forget reason for crying.
“Children are not worried about Failure or Success”

They’ll walk again when they fall down. They’ll try again even when they fail. Children love to ask questions. They’ll keep asking until they get an answer. Children are so pure by heart that they always give honest answer. When they are sad, they cry, when they are happy, they laugh out loud
“They never wear any kind mask”
Ask yourself:
  • Do you laugh often?
  • Is your laughter driven by external factors?
  • Can you laugh from your heart?
  • Do you forgive people easily?
  • Do you play the blame game when you fail?
  • Do you always pretend of being a different person?
We can learn a lot from the children’s playful world.  Its fun to be naughty, innocent and full of love.
Now the Big Question is How do we do that?
Its time for LAUGHTER YOGA my dear friends. Laughter Yoga is not traditional yoga. It is a technique that invites laughter without using jokes or humor. Laughter yoga is a blend of yoga-based deep breathing, gentle stretching, simulated laughter exercises and playful games and activities. Laughter Yoga helps the individual to play spontaneously with no competitiveness.
“We get to be children again”
Playing, dancing, laughing, and singing now become part of our daily lives. An essential part of healing is learning to recognize and listen to your inner child. When we acknowledge and learn from this presence, we learn to accept, heal, and support all aspects of ourselves. Playful laughter exercises help to reduce inhibitions and shyness, and convert simulated laughter into unconditional laughter.

Our mind has always branded ourselves to perform certain activities hence fear of getting into unknown space is turbulent at times. Playfulness in Laughter Yoga retrains our mind and heart and we tend to accept our strengths and weakness.
“We all want a simple life with less hiccups and its very much possible if we awaken the inner child in us”

“Join the Laughter Gang and enjoy your life to the fullest”

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