Download and Install on your computer
1. JDK here
2. 7zip here or Winrar (recommended) here
3. Notepad++ here
4. Android SDK for patch 9.png until Zipalign the apk here
5. Apktool & baksmali/smali + Signer for all GB/ICS/JB ROM here
6. Apktool & baksmali/smali + Signer for all GB/ICS/JB ROM v2 here
7. Apktool & baksmali/smali + Signer for all GB/ICS/JB/KK ROM v3 (4.4 Kitkat support/optimized) here
Save or extract apktool to folder directory :
Windows XP : C:\Document and Settings\folder your computer name\here
Windows 7 : C:\User\folder your computer name\here
- Brut.all for apktool
- Team Reject for Quick baksmali/smali file
- Yorzua for Sign apk file
- Rizal Lovins for support me
- pantrif13
- Copy *.jar file to apktool folder (make sure is the same folder). for example : android.policy.jar
- Open android.policy.jar using Winrar or 7zip and extract classes.dex file
- Drag & drop classes.dex to Quick-Baksmali.cmd (decompile process)
- wait and you will see a folder with the name "classout"
- now you can start editing smali file on classout folder (use Notepad++ for editing it)
- After editing is complete, Drag & drop classout folder to Quick-Smali.cmd (recompile process)
- After recompile is complete, there will be a file with a name "new-classes.dex"
- Open android.policy.jar using Winrar or 7zip
- Rename new-classes.dex to classes.dex, and Drag & drop to android.policy.jar with normal compression
- finally, push back android.policy.jar into the system your device. push manual using root explorer/similar application or make a flashable zip.
a. Copy framework-res.apk to apktool folder (make sure is the same folder).
b. Copy other *.apk you want to edit to apktool folder. for example : GreenRockers.apk
c. Open Command Prompt.bat
d. Decompile and install framework
if your apk is Contacs.apk, Phone.apk, Camera.apk etc.. follow this guide :
e. wait and you will see a folder with the name "GreenRockers or Settings"
f. now you can start editing png, xml, even smali file
g. After editing is complete, Now Recompile
h. After recompile is complete, go to GreenRockers or Settings folder, Open dist folder and open GreenRockers.apk or Settings.apk using Winrar/7zip
i. Open Original GreenRockers.apk or Settings.apk Using Winrar/7zip
j. Drag & drop META-INF folder and android.manifest.xml (if you not edit android.manifest.xml), also lib folder if there in Original GreenRockers.apk to Modified GreenRockers.apk or Modified Settings.apk on dist folder.
k. Now Sign apk, example :
l. Rename GreenRockers_signed.apk to GreenRockers.apk
m. Zipalign the apk
n. Rename GreenRockers-new.apk to GreenRockers.apk
o. finally, push back xxxxxx.apk into the system your device. push manual using root explorer/similar application or make a flashable zip.
1. Download and Install Android SDK (if you've downloaded, do not need to download again)
2. Go to C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools
3. Search + copy zipalign.exe and draw9patch.bat then paste in the c:\windows\here
4. Open cmd and typing this code (For example : Zipalign SystemUI.apk) :
Download and Install on your computer
1. JDK here
2. 7zip here or Winrar (recommended) here
3. Notepad++ here
4. Android SDK for patch 9.png until Zipalign the apk here
5. Apktool & baksmali/smali + Signer for all GB/ICS/JB ROM here
6. Apktool & baksmali/smali + Signer for all GB/ICS/JB ROM v2 here
7. Apktool & baksmali/smali + Signer for all GB/ICS/JB/KK ROM v3 (4.4 Kitkat support/optimized) here
Save or extract apktool to folder directory :
Windows XP : C:\Document and Settings\folder your computer name\here
Windows 7 : C:\User\folder your computer name\here
- Brut.all for apktool
- Team Reject for Quick baksmali/smali file
- Yorzua for Sign apk file
- Rizal Lovins for support me
- pantrif13
1. How to Decompile and Recompile *.jar file or classes.dex
- Copy *.jar file to apktool folder (make sure is the same folder). for example : android.policy.jar
- Open android.policy.jar using Winrar or 7zip and extract classes.dex file
- Drag & drop classes.dex to Quick-Baksmali.cmd (decompile process)
Screenshot example for Baksmaling/decompile classes.dex using drag & drop method :

- wait and you will see a folder with the name "classout"
- now you can start editing smali file on classout folder (use Notepad++ for editing it)
- After editing is complete, Drag & drop classout folder to Quick-Smali.cmd (recompile process)
Screenshot example for Smaling/recompile classout folder using drag & drop method :

- After recompile is complete, there will be a file with a name "new-classes.dex"
- Open android.policy.jar using Winrar or 7zip
- Rename new-classes.dex to classes.dex, and Drag & drop to android.policy.jar with normal compression
- finally, push back android.policy.jar into the system your device. push manual using root explorer/similar application or make a flashable zip.
2. How to Decompile and Recompile *.apk file
a. Copy framework-res.apk to apktool folder (make sure is the same folder).
(Attention : to edit other default apk on system/app like Contacts.apk, Phone.apk. MusicPlayer.apk etc.. needed framework 2. for example : twframework-res.apk)
b. Copy other *.apk you want to edit to apktool folder. for example : GreenRockers.apk
c. Open Command Prompt.bat
d. Decompile and install framework
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool d GreenRockers.apk
Screenshot example for installing framework and decompiling apk :

if your apk is Contacs.apk, Phone.apk, Camera.apk etc.. follow this guide :
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool if twframework-res.apk
apktool d Settings.apk
Screenshot example for installing framework 2 and decompiling apk :

e. wait and you will see a folder with the name "GreenRockers or Settings"
f. now you can start editing png, xml, even smali file
g. After editing is complete, Now Recompile
apktool b -f -d GreenRockers
apktool b -f -d Settings
Screenshot example for decompiling dan recompiling apk :

h. After recompile is complete, go to GreenRockers or Settings folder, Open dist folder and open GreenRockers.apk or Settings.apk using Winrar/7zip
i. Open Original GreenRockers.apk or Settings.apk Using Winrar/7zip
j. Drag & drop META-INF folder and android.manifest.xml (if you not edit android.manifest.xml), also lib folder if there in Original GreenRockers.apk to Modified GreenRockers.apk or Modified Settings.apk on dist folder.
Screenshot example for Drag & drop META-INF folder etc :

k. Now Sign apk, example :
java -jar SignApk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 GreenRockers.apk GreenRockers_signed.apk
(Attention : Sign apk is only for 3rd Party apps, you can sign apk from system/app. but not all apk on system/app support)
l. Rename GreenRockers_signed.apk to GreenRockers.apk
m. Zipalign the apk
zipalign -fv 4 GreenRockers.apk GreenRockers-new.apk
o. finally, push back xxxxxx.apk into the system your device. push manual using root explorer/similar application or make a flashable zip.
3. How to Zipalign the *.apk
1. Download and Install Android SDK (if you've downloaded, do not need to download again)
2. Go to C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools
3. Search + copy zipalign.exe and draw9patch.bat then paste in the c:\windows\here
4. Open cmd and typing this code (For example : Zipalign SystemUI.apk) :
zipalign -fv 4 SystemUI.apk SystemUI-new.apk
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